Artful Yoga is collection of original paintings inspired by my Yoga practice and my travels. From my voyages around the world and from the incredible teachers I have met through Yoga, I have written a testament to the power of movement when it is practiced with awareness and connection to a thought, wish or goal. The Yoga Tips and the Yoga Affirmations throughout the book have been offered by my mentors, teachers and students. The artwork is my response to the daily Yoga invitation to place my open heart in front of the open window of the world.
Look for "Artful Yoga" in print very soon!
An exerpt:
I went to bed under a billowing net enclosure with the slatted wood blinds open to the island wind...there was humming from the overhead fan that sent me to slumber...and dreams. Sleeping fitfully, I was exhausted from the travel my mind took me. Hovering over three continents and through time zones, I was trapped for awhile on top of a mountain in Nepal. It could have been all about the article I was reading on tantric yoga...mindfulness and timelessness was the mantra that closed my eyes. Unsure of the time I began waking up at 4am –then 5am and finally 6am. My first yoga session was scheduled at 7am...I was there on the beachfront doing a morning pranayama and sun salutation when Chris from Australia walked up to me and asked, "Are you Melanie?"
The activity board says Yoga with Melanie. Later, others joined for my first session...modified for beginners yet an intense workout for most, followed by a guided meditation that leaves one floating throughout the day.